How It Works

1. Quote
We start our process by coming out to your home and making sure your a candidate for solar. By establishing real expectations we can provide the right panels for your home and make sure you get the most out of your solar experience.

2. Installation
After the quote, we get the right panels for the job and begin our first inspection. Once we evaluate everything from the fuses to the circuit breakers we can decide where to put the panels. From here we get all of the equipment we need and begin the process.

3. Solar Setup
After the inspection has cleared, the solar panels have been installed and everything checks out, we still have to introduce the panels to the power system and get them approved. After the final inspection from the utility company, everything is up to code and the panels are switched on.

4. Savings
The first step to understanding how much solar can save you is to calculate how much you are currently spending on electricity every year. You’ll find that the typical American family is spending over $1,335 a year on electricity alone. Not only will you save. but you may also qualify for a solar tax credit.